You can now pay for the following online: Water and Sewer Bill UTV Permit Utility Deposit Occupancy Permit Home Inspection Fee Building Permit Water Connection Fee Sewer Connection Fee Once you click on the above button you will be redirected to the payment website. You will then be able to select what you want to pay for and the amount. If you have any questions or problems please call the Village Hall and leave a message for the Clerk. *** When using online pay for UTV RENEWAL *** When asked for service address put 2025 in the box, When asked for Acct. # put 2025 in the box
Board of Trustees Rodney Menard -Brad Jones -James Zimmer -Terry Meyer -Wendy Kuehner- Jerry Brown- Clerk/Collector.......................GayLynn Kruse ([email protected]) extension 2 Treasurer..................................Jessica DuFrenne - ([email protected]) extension 4 Village Secretary.......................Janet Schwartz- ([email protected]) extension 3 Village Employees.........Mike Schwartz- John Deterding -Terry Donjon-Carol Schaefer
Village Board Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, 7:30 p..m at the Village Hall.
Town Businesses Ruma Collision Ruma Small Engine R&R County Care Rogers Redi Mix Big O.E.M. Larry's Electric The Mill MR Store It Ag Elite Boutique Obsessed Vruma Mary's 2.0 North County Savings